Why Smarter People Appear Less Intelligent
Have you ever found yourself in a classroom or training session feeling like the only one struggling to grasp the true meaning behind an instructor's ambiguous statement? You're not alone. For years, I questioned why I appeared less knowledgeable in certain contexts despite excelling in test scores. The answer lies in the suppression of ambiguity, a phenomenon that affects our understanding and communication in various settings.
Circular Logic Works Because Circular Logic Works
Allow me to recount a story from my first day working in the legal department of a large Global bank. I began the day with the intention of causing no trouble, aiming to be cooperative and avoid any conflicts.
The Social Lens
I've encountered individuals who seemed completely unable to consider any perspective beyond the social aspect. One supervisor, in particular, was highly bothersome.
A Cascade of Frustration
When others choose to avoid facing reality and perceive the world as less harsh than it truly is, it can create an impression that I have a greater problem with decision-making than I actually do. Their avoidance prevents them from recognizing the gravity of certain situations. While it may appear that we are excessively anxious at times, it begs the question: are we truly pathologically anxious or simply more attuned to the potential negative outcomes that lie ahead?